Mumbai, India | Saturday | 26 December 2015
The day of 16 Rabi ul Awwal was clouded with grief for mumineen all around the world. Al Dai al Ajal al Fatemi Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS delivered waaz mubarak on the urus mubarak of Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA in Ghurratul Masajid – Saifee Masjid, Mumbai.
Syedna al Dai al Ajal TUS ’s bayan was based on part of an ayat from Surat ul Qadr –والروح فيها. During the waaz, Syedna al Dai al Ajal TUS reiterated his nasihat to mumineen – احسن الى من اساء عليك – “be kind and do good for even those who wish you harm” and for mumineen to refrain from letting jealousy/envy corrupt a mumin’s heart.
Once again, Syedna al Dai al Ajal TUS, recounted the the zikr of the 49th Dai Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA’s wafaat and repeated the statement of ”shabaash”. Amidst the waaz majlis Shehzada Quaid Johar Bhaisaheb DM expressed gratitude and stated “maula aapni shabaashi par qurban”.