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Syedna HatimRA

O Breeze of dawn convey our salaams to the gracious Hatim,
By resting your cheek on the earth where he lies.

For what is he, if not a reliever of pain
And a solace in times of hardship and sorrow

Syedna Taher SaifuddinRA invokes the morning breeze to fly swiftly to the qubba of Syedna Hatim al Khayraat RA, and convey his salaams on reaching the sacred mausoleum.

The desire to visit the qubba is the intimate wish of the esteemed poet and of mumineen the world over.

The qubba were first built by Syedna Mohammed BurhanuddinTUS in 1391 Hijri, as a tribute to the spirituality and scholarship of Syedna HatimRA. Aqa MaulaTUS attested to the roohani shaan of Syedna HatimRA with the words: With the construction of the qubba every barakat will be begotten. The future was foretold. An abundance of prosperity and barakat flowed in the Burhani era.

Syedna HatimRA was renowned for his hidayat, intellectual brilliance and benevolence. Gifted with extraordinary writing and oratory skills, he was well known for his knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence, and discourses on Ameer al Momenieen Ali ibn Abi TalibRA. His legacy lives on in Syedna Mohammed BurhanuddinTUS.

The qubba of Syedna HatimRA is currently undergoing reconstruction. The new structure is modeled after Raudat Tahera. The glories of Syedna HatimRA and Syedna Taher SaifuddinRA will unite in the concrete edifice of the new qubba indicating that the beacon of light will illuminate generations to come.

And finally, let us fervently hope on the urus mubarak of Syedna HatimRA that may we be present at that historic moment when Syedna Mohammed BurhanuddinTUS visits the new mausoleum in all its marbled splendor.