By the power of mannat–or nazar-mumineen obtain their desires: health is restored, deals are signed, children are born and much more. RasulullahSA, Amir ul mumineenAS, and Maulatuna FatemaAS had taken mannat of three days of fasting for the speedy recovery of Imam Hasan and HusainAS from fever—a riwayat that we have heard time and again. The Quran praises those who carry out their mannat.
Swearing of oaths is a common practice among mumineen. Syednal Qadin No’man combines the two–nuzur (mannat) and aymaan (oaths)–in this chapter.
Swearing of oaths is not to be treated lightly: strict regulations apply. The Quran says: “Fulfill your oaths”. Rasulullah (SA) has said: “Beware of false oaths. It will burn up your goods and wipe out barakat. He who swears falsely will challenge Allah and await his punishment.”
Breaking an oath makes kaffarat necessary. Kaffarat for breaching an oath consists of feeding or clothing ten needy persons, or freeing a slave; if these are not possible then one must fast for three days.
Repeated swearing in frivolous matters is undesirable. Also swearing by things or persons other than Allah does not constitute an oath and therefore there is no kaffarat for breaking these. Also, taking an oath to perform an act of haram and then breaching it does not call for kaffarat. If one says “inshallah” after an oath, then kaffarat is not obligatory.