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Daaim al Islam: Chapter on Ataaya

“Mankind is the family of Allah, and most beloved unto Allah is he who benefits mankind and makes others happy” says RasulullahSA. The chapter on Ataaya is about doing good deeds-m’aroof.

When Allah will raise a mumin from the grave, he will be accompanied by a beautiful apparition (misaal). The apparition will lighten his burdens, protect him and give him glad tidings. It will bring him to Allah and then lead him to jannat. The mumin will ask: “Who art thou? May Allah bless you. You have protected me from fear.” And the apparition will reply: I was created from the happiness that you gave mumineen. Today, I shall make you happy.”

Amir ul MumineenSA states that giving is more for oneself than for the receiver. The giver should not seek thanks for something he has done for himself. M’aroof-the ability to perform a charitable deed– is a gift from Allah to a mumin.

Giving must be accompanied by three things: modesty, ease and speed. If you make the deed seem modest and insignificant– you have raised it in the eyes of the receiver. If you make it easy for the receiver– you have fulfilled it. And if you speed up the process of giving– the deed shall be full of barakat.

As for the receiver, it is imperative that he return the favor. If that is not possible he should express his thankfulness, and if he doesn’t, then he is truly ungrateful of the bounty.

There are certain rules and conditions that govern the act of giving. A father can give his children as he pleases and can favor one child over the other, unless if the father is ill and dies in his illness. If he dies, however, his wealth should be distributed as per the regulations of wirasat.

One section of this chapter is devoted to sadaqa-giving alms to the poor.

RauslullahSA has stated that when a sadaqa leaves the hand of a mumin it breaks the jaws of seventy shaitan.

  • A person came to RasulullahSA and asked: Why don’t I like death? RasulullahSA explained that it was because he had wealth in his hands which he did not give in alms. He disliked death because his heart was where his money was.
  • He who gives qardan hasana (interest-free loan) will be rewarded for giving sadaqa of that same amount. And if the borrower delays repayment, the lender will receive sawaab of sadaqa for every day’s delay.
  • A sadaqa performed in secret extinguishes the wrath of Allah. Give sadaqa with your right hand and hide it from your left hand.
  • Sadaqa protects from seventy types of disease: among these are stomachache, burns, drowning and mental illness.

Imam Jafar us SadiqSA states that he who gives sadaqa early in the morning will be protected from the evils that may befall on that day. And do not look down upon the dua of the beggars: their prayers for you shall be answered, although their prayers for themselves may not be.