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Daaim al Islam: Chapter on Nikah

ومن اياته خلق لكم من انفسكم ازواجا لتسكنوا اليها وجعل بينكم مودة ورحمة

The Quran says: One of the signs of Allah is that he has created for you your partner for your pleasure and has instilled love and caring between the two of you. The volume of what AwliyaullahSA have said advocating marriage is overwhelming.

  • He who wishes to face Allah in a state of purity should come with his wife.
  • Whenever one of the As-haab of RasulullahSA got married, RasulullahSA would say: today his deen is complete.
  • If a man is married young the devil shall call out in pain: Two-thirds of his deen has been safeguarded against me. Now it is only a matter of one-third.
  • RasulullahSA addressed his congregation: Marry, O my people! For I shall boast of my large ummat on the day of Qayamat.
  • RasulullahSA said: When a man turns to his wife, angels surround him. He is like a warrior in the way of Allah. And when he is done, his sins are shed just as a tree sheds its leaves in autumn. “What about the woman?” someone asked. RasulullahSA replied: When the woman gets pregnant, Allah shall reward her with the sawaab of one who does roza and namaaz. When she goes into labor the reward she receives is such that only Allah knows. When she feeds her baby, for every drop of milk she receives a hasanat and a sayyeat is revoked.

Syedna Qadin N ‘omanRA goes on to the subject of choosing a wife. Should a man look for beauty, for intelligence or for money? AwliyaullahSA have taught that a woman’s brother is a good indication of what she is like. The daughter of your uncle is the best woman to marry! Money and beauty will fade with time, but taqwa lives on. SyednaRA also teaches about how to court a woman.

This is followed by the ‘aadaab of making love. What are these ‘aadaab? Is there a time when love-making is forbidden? Is family planning allowed by the shari‘at? What types of contraceptives are permissible? All these questions and more are answered in this section.

We then learn about nikaah, Awliya, Shaahids, and the conditions that can or cannot be made during nikaah. Breast-feeding and its advantages are also part of this chapter.