What’s the definition of a fast? According to the Daaim ul Islam, fasting is an abstinence from food, drink and nikaah (consummation), for one whole day preceded by niyyat of fasting. Maulatuna FatemaAS has said, “What is a fast if a person does not restrain his tongue, his ears, eyes and other organs!” A person fasting should not only not eat or drink but see no evil, hear no evil, do no evil. Says RasulullahSA: “Zakaat is paid of all things, zakaat of the body is fasting”. Sometimes RasulullahSA fasted continuously for many months so that people thought that he fasted all the time; at other times people thought he did not fast at all.
Saum (fasting) is obligatory for thirty days of Shehre Ramadan, no more, no less. Daaim ul Islam emphasizes the importance of ikmaal ul iddat, completing the count. The correct count is derived by emulating the ImamAS.
The sunnat roza, in count, are double that of the farizat roza. These include the month of Shabaan, and three fasts every month. Fasting in the month of Rajab falls under tatawwo roza. Fasting one month of Rajab closes one door of hell, and so on, at the seventh year seven doors of hell are closed, at the eighth year eight doors of heaven are unbolted, at the ninth year the mumin is absolved of all his sins and he starts anew; Allah will greatly reward those who fast more than nine years. Not long ago thousands of mumineen completed ten years of Rajab with HuzuralaTUS.