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Ashara 1435 – 9th Moharram

Dawoodi Bohra community, the followers of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS), are respected throughout the world for their goodwill and cordiality. Wherever mumineen reside they are looked upon by people as a peace loving and helpful community. Mumineen should take pride in their unique identity and realize that it is but due to our association with Aqa Maula (TUS) whose lofty character and conduct are greater than those of the heavenly angels. By following Maula’s teachings in small and big matters, Mumineen are blessed with a life of peace, fulfilment and prosperity.

One such small but important matter which Aali Qadr Maula (TUS) explained today was about making rotis. Muminaat should prepare rotis with their own hands and not consider it as a trivial thing. The rotis carry message of Maula’s mohabbat as they are cooked and partook in his mohabbat. Even prophets, like Dawood nabi, cooked their own food. Can anyone be more farsighted than a nabi? Aali Qadr Maula (TUS) strongly advised mumineen not to pay heed to those who belittle these tasks and beware of their propagandas and not to read their pamphlets or e-mails.

These so called educated people look down upon other simple mumineen who, desiring a glimpse of Maula, stand for hours on the road. Maula (TUS) acknowledges their feelings and efforts. When Maula (TUS) raises his hand they understand the meaning it conveys: be with me and I will take you to the heavens. This understanding, Aali Qadr Maula (TUS) emphasized, is greater than every kind of education.

Every good deed performed in Maula’s mohabbat is graceful, as Maula’s mohabbat is the source of all goodness and the foundation of all good characters. Without his mohabbat even a person of good character will lack in grace. Charity and good character are the two hallmarks of deen. The two virtues with which Maulana Ali (SA) established the deen, and which Imam Husain (SA) displayed in Kerbala.

Aali Qadr Maula (TUS) urged all mumineen to attend the waaz tomorrow and earnestly appealed to all who have stopped coming to Ashara to attend Ashura tomorrow and return to their previously normal lives when they used to sit and eat with other mumineen, and attend Maula’s hazrat. Leaving everything aside, tomorrow, mumineen should be focused only on one thing: Imam Husain’s (SA) buka and matam, as nothing else matters. Success in exams or in life is meaningless if one fails to attend Ashura because tomorrow, on the day of Ashura, the Sun, the Moon, the stars and the entire creation of Allah will be plunged in grief and sorrow.