The day before the most auspicious night falls, a transformation occurs in the environment. It is said that a wind blows that changes the season, if it is hot it suddenly becomes cool, and if it is cold, it turns hot.
The day before the most auspicious night falls, a transformation occurs in the environment. It is said that a wind blows that changes the season, if it is hot it suddenly becomes cool, and if it is cold, it turns hot. This indeed is not only one of the signs of “Lailatul Qadr”, but also a precursor to the transformation of lives and destinies that take place in this night … a night superior to a thousand months .
No wonder then that a mumin who is blessed with the acquaintance of this divine night should gratefully and meticulously prepare himself to gain optimum barakaat, as Maula(TUS) reminded mumineen in the Zikra Majlis, the preparation for Lalilatul Qadr should start from the beginning of the month.”
It is only because of our Fatemi Dai(TUS) and his mohabbat that we are among the few truly blessed with this barakat..
Rasulullah(SAW) did not disclose the exact date of Lailatul Qadr to anyone except a select few. When questioned, he indicated, “Seek it in the last ten days of the month, I was informed about it, but later, I was made to forget it. I foresee myself praying on that night with the tip of my nose immersed in rain soaked soil.”
This was so because Lailatul Qadr signifies the maqam of Maulatena Fatema(AS), who in spite of her divinity and being the daughter of Rasulullah(SAW), was subjected to brutal oppression and torture . Only her true shi‘as were made aware of the exact date of this night, like Johaini, to whom Rasulullah(SAW) whispered the date in his ears .
Syedna Moaiyyad Shirazi(RA) in his dua recited during the month of Ramadan beseeches Allah to enable him to avail of the barakaat of Lailatul Qadr by keeping him in the best of circumstances and health . Lailatul Qadr, begins from magrib (sunset) and ends only at sunrise, not before . Every moment is invaluable and one should not waste even a second. Maulatena Fatema(SA) used to sprinkle water onto the children to ensure that they stayed awake during Lailatul Qadr. She said, “The one who is deprived of the goodness of this night is truly deprived .”