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Nabi na Naam

Alaika al-Salaam Ya Shahra Ramadan! Alaika al-Salaam Ya Shahra Ramadan! Alaika al-Salaam Ya Shahra Ramadan! As we recite these words, we bid farewell to this holy month. Over its final week, we have recited Nabi na Naam – praying salawaat on the six prophets: Moulana Adam Safiyullah AS, Moulana Nuh Najiullah AS, Moulana Ibrahim Khalilullah AS, Moulana Musa Kalimullah AS, Moulana ´Eesa Ruhullah AS, and Moulana Mohammed Rasulallah SA, the leader and last of Allah Ta´ala’s messengers. This was followed by salawaat upon all Anbiyaa’ Kiraam and Mursaleen AS.

All of Allah’s prophets were sent to us at Allah’s command when humanity was in great need of them. The prophets were munzireen and mubashireen; they came bearing both warnings and glad tidings. Each prophet confirmed that Qiyaamat, the Day of Judgment, is an undeniable truth. Qiyaamat will come; its occurrence is certain and inevitable.

By doing the tasbeeh of these prophets, we affirm our belief in each one. We acknowledge the pure lineage of Moulatona Hawwa’ AS. Most importantly, we acknowledge the continuation, the chain, the tasalsul from Nabi Adam AS to Nabi Mohammed Rasulallah SA. The words of Rasulallah SA and Aimmat Tahereen AS bear testimony to this tasalsul. Rasulallah has stated, “My Ahle Bayt amongst you are like the safinah (ark) of Nooh, the one who boards it will attain salvation, and he who remains behind will drown.” Amirul Mumineen states, “The knowledge, which has been revealed to Adam AS, and all the pre-eminence possessed by the prophets is found in Mohammed, the last of the prophets, and in his noble descendants…”.

An integral part of faith is to affirm the tasalsul for Islam recognizes Moulana Adam Safiyullah AS, Moulana Nooh Najiullah AS, Moulana Ibrahim Khalilullah AS, Moulana Moosa Kalimullah AS, Moulana ´Eesa Ruhullah AS as rightful prophets. Furthermore, no prophet has graced the earth, but he has travelled to Karbala where he mourned Imam Hussain AS and cursed his murderers.

Moulana Adam Safiyullah AS came to Karbala, and fell ill. As he rose, his feet were wounded, and blood began to flow. He looked up towards the Heavens, addressing Allah, “What sin have I committed to warrant such a wound?” The heavens resounded and mourned along with Adam saying: “Do not fear, Adam – you are sinless! Your illness and your wound are reminders that your son, Hussain, will be killed in Karbala! His blood will be spilled on this hot desert as yours has.” Adam AS asked Jibraeel, “what shall I do?”. Jibraeel replied “Curse, Yazid”. Adam AS cursed Yazid four times, and then journeyed towards Arafah.

When Moulana Nuh Najiullah’s AS ark reached Karbala, it was buffeted by a storm unlike any other. Wave after wave, high as mountains, pummeled the ark. Nuh cried out, “Oh Allah! I have travelled this earth, but never have I encountered such a tempest!” Jibraeel called to him, “Oh Nooh! This is the place where your Nabi Mohammed’s grandson Hussain bin Ali will be martyred! Yazid, the accursed, will be responsible for his death!” Nuh AS cursed Yazid four times, and the ark sailed on.

Moulana Ibrahim Khalilullah AS arrived in Karbala on horseback. His horse stumbled, and Ibrahim Nabi AS fell, suffering a wound to his head. He immediately sought repentance. “Oh Allah,” He cried, “What sin have I committed that has warranted such an injury!” Jibraeel replied, “Oh Khalilullah – friend of Allah – you have not sinned! Your son, Husain, will be martyred here! His blood will be spilled here!” Ibrahim Nabi’s horse, remembering that Imam Hussain’s horse would kneel to allow Imam Husain AS to dismount, began to cry. Ibrahim Nabi AS cursed Yazid a thousand times and along with his horse, mourned the death of his grandson.

Moulana Musa Kalimullah AS came to Karbala. His shoes tore, his feet grazed a sharp rock, and blood flowed from the wound. Musa AS questioned Allah Ta´ala, to which He replied, “This is the place where Imam Husain AS will attain shahadat! His blood will spill as yours has.”

Moulana ´Eesa Ruhillah AS traveled through Karbala. He witnessed several deer and antelope gathered together, weeping. ´Eesa AS began to cry, as did his Apostles who asked, “O, Ruhullah! Why do you weep? What place is this, in which even deer are overwhelmed by such grief?” Moulana ´Eesa AS replied, “This is where Husain, the son of Fatema al-Zahra AS – whose nobility is greater than that of my mother, Maryam AS – will be martyred! These deer and antelope are mourning Imam Husain!”

Soon, Eid al-Fitr, the day of celebration will be upon us. As we commemorate this joyous Eid by visiting family and friends, let us look forward, as Allah’s prophets did, and remember Eid al-Huzn wa al-Ka´ab – the Eid of sorrow and hardship – Ashura. This is the Eid that has been remembered and mourned since the beginning of time by Adam, Nooh, Ibrahim, Moosa, ‘Eesa, and Rasulallah- Allah’s salutations and salaam upon them.

For 50 years, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA called upon us to do bukaa’ and maatam of Imam Husain. Today, our beloved Dai, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS has directed that we spend all nine days of Ashara Mubarakah immersed in mourning Imam Hussain’s ultimate sacrifice. By the du´aa’ and waseelah of Anbiyaa’ Kiraam, may Allah give us the strength and tawfeeq to heed the call of both Moulas and say “Labbaik Ya Dai Allah”.