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Milad un Nabi

The month of Rabi ul Awwal is here. The winds of spring have brought with them the blooms of ta’abbudaat. The days of barakaat that begun with Milad un Nabi have started to spread their fragrance. Revered sounds of ibadat and dua have filled the air. Every heart is brimming with a sense of celebration and festivity. Eid Ulllah il Akbar has arrived and the countdown to the 103rd Milad has begun.

Rasalullah (SAW) was born on Monday 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal fifty days after the arrival of King Abrahat with his elephants in Mecca (Aam-ul-Fil). Several miracles accompanied the birth of Rasulullah (SAW) – cracks appeared in the palace of King Nawshirwan of Persia, the fires in the temples there that had burnt incessantly for years were extinguished, the waters of Lake Sawa suddenly decreased, idols fell from their altars and sooth sayers who held sway over society lost their powers.

Milad un Nabi celebrations during the reign of the Fatemi Aimmat (AS) in Egypt, from the years 969 A.D. to 1132 A.D, were exceptionally festive. Thousands of dirhams were given to the needy; as many as three hundred copper platters filled with sweetmeats were distributed to officials in the administration. A majestic procession was organized. The Imam (AS) presided at an observation site specially constructed for him. The Chief Justice led the procession towards Al-Jame-Al Azhar: present in the procession were the Duat, reciters of the Quran, the speakers and the imams of the masjids in Cairo amongst others. On reaching their destination, they all seated themselves to listen to a recitation of the Quran. Thereafter they were called into the observation area. At that time, Sahib al baab and the Waali of Qahera with their respective armies kept the masses back from the roads that had been swept, cleaned and sprinkled with yellow sand for the occasion. When the procession had gathered below, a window was opened so that the ImamAS could grant them the honor of deedar mubarak. Another window was opened by an ustaaz who gestured with his sleeve and reciprocated the salaam on behalf of the Imam (AS). This was followed by another recitation of Quran and praises and zikr of Rasulallah (SAW). At the end of the celebration the ustaaz gestured with his hand once again and closed the windows. The people dispersed towards their homes their hearts filled with barakaat.

The Burhani Era today is a reflection of the Fatemi grandeur. The majesty of the Fatemi Aimmat is manifest in the countenance of their Dai and his Mansoos. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS) has upheld the tenets of Rasulullah’s shariat and the traditions of the Fatemi Era in word and spirit. As we celebrate Milad un Nabi and move towards the 103rd Milad of his Dai we pray to Allah that milad after milad our Maula (TUS) remain in the prime of health and may the magnificence of Islam increase manifold under his inspired leadership.