15th ShehrAllah 1441 H
In Surah al-Qareah, Allah Taala describes the Day of Qiyamat. To emphasize its importance the word qareah (calamity) is used thrice: The Calamity! [1] What is the Calamity ? [2] Are you aware of what the Calamity is! [3]. The Day of Qiayamat is mentioned around 1700 times in the Quran, with different words and constructs being used: Yaum al-Din (Day of Faith), Yaum al-Tanaad (Day of Calling), Yaum al-Aazaefa (Day of Imminence), Yaum al-Fasl (Day of Decision), Yaum al-Hisab (Day of Reckoning), Yaum Yubathun (Day of Resurrection), Yaum al-Qiyamat (Day of Judgment) , Yaum al-Taghabun (Day of Disillusion) and Yaum Yukhrajun (Day of Removal).
On that day, the only thing that will benefit man will be his deeds. The one whose pan of deeds is heavy will enter jannat. The analogy of a scale shows that each of man’s deeds will be accounted for and subsequently rewarded.
Today’s bayan focused on a question regarding partnership and how one can lead a happy communal life. In order to lead a comfortable and fulfilling life, man needs to be part of larger society, with all its members sharing a common purpose. Fatemi philosophy holds that a life of solitude and recluse is an unhappy one. This is because in order for man to lead a fulfilling life he is required to benefit from a range of crafts and vocations. However, the sheer number of crafts and vocations combined with man’s limited lifespan renders it impossible for any single individual to master them all. It is because of these two factors that in each city or village a sizable number of persons reside in symbiosis, each one ideally being of benefit to one another. Divine wisdom has ordained that some will be craftsmen, while others will be traders, builders, civil servants or educators along with those discharging clerical or labour tasks. Their relationship is familial; they are all brothers of one father, held in equal esteem and engaged in helping each other in their daily activities with each one focused on their respective task.
Allah Taala sent Nabi Musa AS to the Pharaoh. Musa Nabi AS did araz to Allah, as stated in the Quran, ‘And appoint for me a vizier from my family: my brother Haroon. Through him strengthen me and let him partner me in my task so that we may glorify you and remember you greatly’. Through this request Musa Nabi AS made clear the purpose of a partnership.
In the renowned collection of fables, ‘Kalila and Demna’, a number of doves were caught in a net laid by a fowler. The fowler seeing this ran in haste towards the net in which the doves were fluttering about trying to escape. The ring-dove told them to not wear themselves out by their useless efforts, or to think each of its own safety alone, but to act in concert, and unite their strength in flying away with the net, only then would they all be saved. Upon hearing this they mutually exerted themselves to lift up the net and succeeded by rising with it and flying away from the fowler and to a rat who gnawed at the net, freeing them all. Rasul Allah SA states, ‘one Mumin for another is like a wall, each strengthening the other’. If all of us collectively work towards a common goal, it will be realized. Today, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS directs all of us to work together as a community in all initiatives: upliftment, Faid Mawaid Burhaniyya, attending Ashara Mubaraka etc.
Partnerships are not only limited to business but are essential in all aspects of life: friend, colleagues, spouse etc. Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali AS states, ‘the one who seeks the advice of men, partners them in their intellect’. In order to further his business, one may be required to benefit from the expertise or financial support of others. Likewise while describing the traits of a Mumin, Maulana Ali AS mentions, ‘if you were to partner him, you would benefit. Thus through sound business practices and ethics we should always seek to benefit all those we partners. This notion also extends to our colleagues and life partners. Maulatona Khadija’s RA khidmat of Rasul Allah SA in the initial years of Islam was exemplary. She would comfort him during the times of extreme hardships he faced with the people and tribes of Makkah. Successful partnerships make us realize that many times the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This leads us to prioritize the most essential of partnerships, that of the body with the soul. A fruitful partnership between the two is essential for mankind to realize his purpose in this world.
We have repeatedly heard both Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA and Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS pray during their wasila mubarak that may the Almighty make Mumineen my partners in my prayers, may they receive a share of it. It is necessary for us to differentiate between Maula TUS ‘including’ us in his prayers, and making us ‘partners’ in them. This usage reveals that all of Maula’s efforts and initiatives are for our betterment and well-being. It was this very dua mubarak in which Maulana Imam Husain AS made us a part of in his final sajda on the Day of Ashura, ensuring our salvation and being with him both in this world and the next.