Fasabeh Bi-Ism Rabbaika al-´Azeem
-Then do the tasbeeh of your Lord the Almighty-
Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ensured that each Mumin would traverse the seas of this corporal realm to reach the shores of Jannat. In order to facilitate our passage he enjoined upon us to do the tasbeeh of Awliyaullah AS, especially that of Imam Husain AS. Along with its obvious meaning, tasbeeh also refers to treading water and staying afloat. Foretelling the position that Syedna Burhanuddin RA would hold in ensuring Mumineen were able to tread the waters of this life to the shores of the hereafter, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related the meanings of the aayat shareefah ‘then do the tasbeeh of your Lord, the Almighty’ in 1368 H in Mumbai. (Syedna al-Muqaddas RA himself was conducting the Ashara mawaa´iz in Ahmedabad that year.)
At the onset of the wa’az mubarak, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS listed the barakat and meanings of our tasbeeh – the praise and glorification of Allah Ta´ala, especially Tasbeehe Fatema. He stated that on that day, the day of Ashura, our tasbeeh from morn to evening is wailing the cry of Ya Husain, shedding tears and expressing grief and lament. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS mentioned that prior to the construction of a minbar, Rasulullah SA delivered sermons upon a trunk of a palm tree. One day, at which point a minbar had been made for Rasulullah SA and he had ascended it, that palm tree, yearning for him in his absence, came towards him and clung to the minbar. On Ashuraa’, Imam Husain AS sat against a palm tree that witnessed all the atrocities he was made to bear. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS then posed the question as to why should we not express our grief and sorrow; why should we not cling to this zikr? Why should we not remember the tafaadi of Imam Husain’s as’haab and ahlebait, and draw inspiration from them? Maula TUS called upon us to remember those who spent their remembering and grieving upon Imam Husain’s: Aimmat Tahereeen AS.
Imam Ali Zainulabedin AS remained engrossed in the bukaa’ and maatam of Imam Husain AS for 40 years. Maula TUS stated that it was Imam Ali Zainulabedin AS who taught us the zikr of Imam Husain AS, how to convene a majlis, how to gather people, how to express grief, cry and make others cry, how to sit on a takht, how to hold the red handkerchief and how to wipe one’s tears. He taught us all these aspects and many more when he returned to Madinah Munawarrah following the events of Karbala. Upon hearing of his return the people of Madinah dropped all they were doing and rushed towards him. He addressed them with the phrase, ‘O! People of Madinah!’, and then narrated to them the events leading to Imam Husain’s AS shahaadat.
His grandson, Imam Jafar al-Sadiq AS once asked Abi Haroun to recite any elegy that he might know in praise of Imam Husain AS. Abi Haroun recited a lamentation, which brought tears to the eyes of Imam AS and his as’haab. Imam AS asked him if he knew another elegy. Abi Haroun recited a second elegy which caused Imam AS, his as’haab,men and women of his household and others present to weep. Imam AS then stated ‘Any person who recites an elegy in praise of Imam Husain thereby succumbing himself, and causing others, to succumb to this bukaa’ and grief as well, Allah will obligate for him jannat. Following this zikr, Maula TUS commended the khidmat of zakereen.
In Misr, on Ashuraa’, Imam al-Zaman AS would convene a majlis and elegies would be recited in his presence. Syedna al-Qadi al-Noman RA writes that Imam Moiz AS had prepared for him a khutbah to deliver on Ashuraa’. Likewise, on Ashuraa’, Imam Aamir AS would sit upon a chair made of straw in the courtyard of his grand palace and the people of Cairo would come before him and offer their condolences. Finally, Maula TUS conveyed to us, that today Imam al-Zaman AS is immersed in the remembrance of Imam Husain AS, and encouraged us to draw towards us his benevolent gaze by remaining engrossed in the zikr of his forefather Imam Husain AS.
During the Imam’s seclusion, the Duat Mutlaqeen have remained absorbed in this tasbeeh. Through their waaz and bayaan they have ensured that Mumineen recite this tasbeeh and have thereby raised their standing in this world and in the next. Over the course of nine waaz discourses, they raise Mumineen in nine levels and prepare them for entrance into the highest of the heavens. Maula TUS directed Mumineen to do the tasbeeh of Duat Mutlaqeen, for they have taught us bukaa’ and maatam. In his marthiyah mubarakah ‘Fulk al-Husain…’, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA repeats the chorus ‘Abkeeka Maualaya al-Husain…’ 52 times, alluding to the fact that the zikr of Imam Husain AS is his tasbeeh and that of the Duat Mutlaqeen before him.
Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS then prayed that Allah keep our congregation together, both in this world and the next. Throughout this Ashara Mubarakah, Maula TUS repeatedly highlighted the importance of each and every organ of a Mumin and how each is constantly being elevated. Today, on Ashuraa’, he once again prayed that not even a single organ of a Mumin become displaced. He prayed that Mumineen safely return to their homes and may they continue to attend majaalis.
Tasbeeh is derived from the Arabic consonantal root sabbaha, of which another derivative is sabaahat, swimming. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stated that swimmers require skill to overcome ocean currents, especially when they are called upon to rescue someone who is drowning. He added that an important part of rescuing a drowning person is for him to desist from any motions of his own and follow the lead of his rescuer. Similarly, in order for us to attain salvation we should follow the instructions given by Awliyaa’ and resist acting out on our own whims and fancies.
In the factory that is this world, each entity be it a mineral, a plant or animal, endeavours to elevate that which is beneath him, an act which is its tasbeeh. Similarly, it is this tasbeeh that brings about abundance and prosperity. At the burial of Saad b. Maaz from Banu Qurayza, Rasulullah SA did the tasbeeh of Allah Akbar, which was repeated by those who heard it. Later he explained that the grave of Saad b. Maaz had become constricted and Allah had then expanded it for him. Maula TUS asserted that a Mumin’s grave will be capacious. He then added that if this is the case for a mumin, than what is there to say for that of a Dai. He movingly recollected the vastness he felt upon descending into the qabr mubarak of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. Maula TUS then described the vastness of a Mumin’s grave and stated that each side will be equivalent to the distance a person would cover should they continue walking for a month. He then added that in a waaz mubarak in Dallas, Syedna al-Muqaddas RA stated that no one has the ability to raise a dead human being from their grave, not even four feet. It is only Imam al-Zaman AS who has the power to truly elevate mankind.
In the context of isthigfaar (repentance) he spoke of the sincerity and perseverance of Hudud Kiraam QR. In India, Maulaya Adam Shujauddin QR would don the dress of a pauper so as to enable him to approach Mumineen and offer them guidance in the guise of seeking alms. Likewise, the efforts of Maulaya Raj b. Hasan are exceptional. Late at night, once Mumineen had retired to their homes, he too would wear the attire of a beggar and proceed towards their houses seeking alms. When Mumineen opened their doors for him, he would request their permission to enter their homes, and then with great compassion and gentleness guide them towards the Dai Mutlaq, putting forward arguments countering the claims of others. Ultimately, if they agreed he would take their meethaq. When the Jaafariyah and Hashaweeyah (two Islamic sects that bore animosity towards Mumineen) came to know of his endeavours, they cut him into pieces. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS mentioned that in the Bibipura graveyard (in Ahmedabad) there are graves of 125 shohadaa’ who similarly gave their lives in the cause of guiding Mumineen. He added that Maulaya Raj QR continues to bestow Mumineen shifaa’ even after his shahaadat. One Mumin approached Maulaya Raj b. Dawood Soni seeking cure for leprosy. Maulaya Raj b. Dawood answered that in a month’s time on so-and-so date, my maula and maalik Maulaya Raj b. Hasan will be slain. When that happens, go and partake in the khidmat of bringing back his jism mubarak, but do not let anyone know of this yet. That person did as instructed and as he lifted Maulaya Raj b. Hasan’s jism mubarak he was immediately cured of his illness.
Similarly, when Aurangzeb attempted to dig up the qabr mubarak of Mulla Hasanji it turned into iron, thereby thwarting his attempts. Also, when those constructing railroads sought to smash the qabr mubarak of Maulaya Firoz QR they could not, ultimately, they had to build the tracks around it. Maula TUS mentioned the great stature of Syedi Fakhurddin Shaheed QR and prayed by his waseelah that Allah bless all Mumineen with a soft and empathetic heart. He counseled all those with pain in their hands and legs and those who have difficulty walking, to go for the ziyaarat of Syedi Hasanpir Shaheed QR.
After narrating the passage of various Anbiyaa’ through Karbala and the events that unfolded, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS enumerated the three kinds of sins. He stressed that we should all refrain from purposefully indulging in sinful acts and behaviours, that we consume only halal for it benefits both the soul and the body, and that we never even think of committing suicide despite the difficulties and troubles we might be facing for doing so will bring about a thousand more difficulties. While addressing students and the youth, he declared that seeing their imaani upbringing was a comforting sight for both their parents and for him. He directed them to acquire the best of what their schools and universities offer yet disregard that which is detrimental to their ultimate purpose in life: salvation. He alerted them to the fact that in this day and age many improper and immoral indulgences are prevalent: drugs, alcohol, smoking, among others. He beseeched them not to indulge in such sin and refrain from breaking the heart of their father. He concluded stating that taking such substances not only harms the body but more importantly the soul.
Maula TUS mentioned the Mumineen of Houston’s desire to establish a campus of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah in their city. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS appreciated their request and stated that the fact that this thought occurred to Mumineen, that a Jamea be built in their city, in itself is a great achievement and a worthy accomplishment. Maula TUS then prayed that may we all be blessed with the ziyaarat of Imam Husain AS and narrated how that erstwhile old lady painstakingly labored to earn enough to make the journey to Karbala.
Fi Maqad Sidq ´Inda Maleek Muqtadir
-In an ‘assembly of truth’, in the presence of a mighty sovereign –
During the maqtal, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS explained the meanings entailed in the last aayat of Surat al-Qamar. Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related this aayat mubarakah to al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA in 1369 H, while he was in Surat and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was in Nagpur for Ashara Mubarakah.
Maula TUS stated that this is the 55th verse of the surat and explained that the two single digits of 5 that 55 comprises of when added together equals 10. An ‘assembly of truth’ is a majlis of great grandeur, a place that has no space for untruth: where the zikr of Imam Husain AS takes place. Further, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was always in this ‘assembly of truth’ where he was in constant receipt of Imam al-Zaman’s AS taayeed. If the place is one of truth, then what can be said of the truth of the one seated there. And with his place in the presence of a ‘mighty sovereign’, Syedna Burhanuddin RA achieved all that he intended; never was he incapable.
During the maqtal, while reciting the shahaadat of Imam Husain’s AS Ahlebait, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS called upon us all to repeatedly cry ‘Aahin! Aahin!’, an Arabic expression of grief and woe, in order to ensure that the barakat of Imam Husain’s bukaa’ and maatam remains with each and every Mumin and in his descendants for generations to come.
Through the tasbeeh of Imam Husain’s gham, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS makes us remember our identity, cures us from worldly afflictions, fills us with divine energy, guides us towards salvation and, ultimately, brings us in to the presence of the ‘mighty sovereign’. May Allah Ta´ala grant Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS a long and prosperous life till the day of Qiyaamat.