‘Wa Rafaa´naa Laka Zikrak’
-And we have exalted for you, your zikr–
As is always to be found in the waaz mubarak of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS, there was one ‘zikr’: a narrative in particular where we were shown a nuance that encapsulated the entire waaz mubarak.
In 1386 H, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA delivered his first Asharah Mubarakah as Dai Mutlaq in Mumbai. His waaz mubarak were replete with the zikr mubarak of his naas al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA. Following in his naas’ footsteps and upholding his values, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS made the zikr mubarak of his naas Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA the foundation of his waaz mubarak during his first Asharah Mubarakah in Surat in 1436 H. Following Ashara Mubarakah 1436 H, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS continued to expound upon the khitaabaat accorded to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. During Asharah Mubarakah 1437 H, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS expressing a neeyat to expound upon the various aayat shareefah from the Quran which al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA related to his mansoos al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA.
Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA referred to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA in 1353H in Karachi when elaborating the aforementioned ayat from Surat al-Inshiraah. A fable from the Rasaail Ikhwaan al-Safaa’ tells the story of a group of seafarers who leave their paradise like island and set sail only to be shipwrecked on another island, one that was the opposite of their tranquil and beautiful home. Over time they forgot their home and its splendours and came to regard this island as their home. This was until someone came and reminded them, rekindling memories of their paradise lost and urged them to return to it. The nuance Maula showed us was that life on the island had caused them to forget where they had come from: this world and its temptations lead one to forget our identity and where we have come from and, more importantly, where we need to return.
Syedna al-Dal al-Ajal’s TUS call to attend waaz from the very first day is a call for us to recollect and remember. He made it clear that Satan seeks to make us forget where we once were and all that we need to do in order for us to return. Rasulullah SA has made it clear that Satan runs from all those who pray all five namaaz. However, once a Mumin becomes careless and belittles the importance of namaaz, prays namaaz at one time but forgoes it at another, Satan senses an opportunity to approach him and subtly plants little influences in his mind, eventually turning him away from Allah’s zikr. Likewise, a Mumin who begins to waver over the importance of Allah’s zikr, be it a namaaz or a majalis, considering it to be one and the same to pray or not, to go to majlis or not, will eventually succumb to Satan’s influence and lose the significance of it altogether.
Allah Ta´ala states that, ‘Through the remembrance of Allah there is peace for the heart’. Allah’s zikr (remembrance) is through the zikr of his Awliyaa’ and in these days through the zikr of Imam Husain AS. Maula TUS mentioned that if someone were to argue why after all these years should we cry in remembrance of Imam Husain AS, he should be told that Rasulullah SA has stated ‘He who cries, causes others to cry, or makes a face as if crying, upon my son Husain, then he will surely enter jannat. So reason enough, reason a plenty but the need to believe is a must. We need to shed tears in order to return to our heavenly abode in order to attain forgiveness for the transgressions that brought us to this physical world. However, as Maula TUS stated; shedding tears in remembrance of these sins is very difficult, but shedding tears on the hardships that befell Imam HusainAS is but natural.
To remember ensures that we do not forget. Three things do away with forgetfulness: reciting al-Quran, brushing your teeth and rozah. In addition to this Maula TUS stressed the importance of sleep, healthy diet, physical fitness, stress reduction and remaining active in order to ensure that the mind retains its ability to remember. These activities are greatly facilitated by spiritual means such as the duaa’ mubarak Rasulullah SA taught Amirul Mumineen AS for memorizing al-Quran. Likewise, Imam Hasan AS explained the importance of praying salawaat in helping one remember and recollect. Furthermore, associating with Awliyaullah, observing their actions and paying heed to their words ensure that one takes the right decision when faced with choices. For example, on the eve of Ashuraa’, when Imam Husain AS directed his as’haab to leave in the darkness of the night, they recalled the words of Amirul Mumineen during the battle of Ohod, when Rasulullah SA asked him to leave, ‘Shall I turn back a kaafir after having become a Muslim?’. Similarly, when seeking raza for shahadat on Yaume Ashuraa’, Joon, having accompanied Maulana Abizer, immediately beseeched Imam Husain with his waseelah and upon slaying each of the enemy dedicated the thawab to his Maula Abizer. Likewise, Maulana Abizer RA who gave preference to the majlis of Rasulullah SA and the covenant given to him over all other congregations and vows, remembered Imam Husain AS as his end drew near and directed Joon to go to Karbala with Imam Husain AS.
Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stated that, ‘Indeed the ability to forget is as important as the ability to remember’. Remembering is also aided by the act of forgetting all that Awliyaa’ullah have enjoined upon us to forget: grudges, the faults and shortcomings of others and our worries. Similarly, those who feign forgetfulness out of deceit will have to bear the consequences. Anas b. Malik feigned forgetting the nass of Rasulullah SA when called upon to testify to it replying that he was too old to remember. As a result he was afflicted by a skin whitening ailment at a spot on his face which was not possible to conceal.
Maula TUS continues to gather us together and remind us of our purpose in life, he is both the remembrance itself that will take us to the forgotten abode of paradise and the one who reminds us of it. He is the guide back to the world we have forgotten from the world where everything seeks to make us forget. May Allah Ta´ala grant him a long and prosperous life till the Day of Qiyaamat.